Abraham Maslow was a Jewish-American psychologist who is accepted as the father of humanistic psychology. Since he was the only Jewish boy in his childhood, he felt very much loneliness. And this loneliness forced him to find his refuge in books, and would be a fundamental factor that will make him study humanistic psychology later. His most famous work for human psychology is admittedly “Pyramid of Hierarchy of Needs”. This pyramid consists of five parts first of which starts from bottom as “psychological needs” and finishes as “self actualization”.
***Firs step of the pyramid is Biological and Physiological needs – such as, air, food, drink, shelter, warmth, sex, and sleep.
***The second step consist of Safety needs – like, protection from elements, security, order, law, limits, stability.
***Belongingness and Love needs is the third step of the pyramid –containing, work group, family,
affection, relationships.
***The fourth step of the pyramid is Esteem needs – consisting of, self-esteem, achievement, mastery, independence, status, dominance, prestige, managerial responsibility
***Self-Actualization needs is the final and the top step of the pyramid- realizing personal potential, self-fulfillment, seeking personal growth and peak experiences...
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs can also be adapted to workplace as in the following form:
*Physiological needs: Providing lunch breaks, resting breaks, and waging that are sufficient to purchase the essentials of life.
*Safety Needs: Providing a safe working environment, retirement benefits, and job security.
*Social Needs: Creating a sense of community via team-based projects and social events.
*Esteem Needs: Recognizing achievements to make employees feel appreciated and valued. Offering job titles that convey the importance of the position.
*Self-Actualization: Providing employees a challenge and the opportunity to reach their full career potential.
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