In order to use the materials and forces of nature for the benefit of people, engineering applies the knowledge of mathematics and natural sciences with discretion and judgment as a profession.
It differs from other professions in several ways:
In the type of service provided, in the training requirements for its practitioners, in the diversity of its leadership, and in the lack of uniformity, and rigidity in its registration laws.
In contrast to other professions engineering tend to create machines, structures, processes and other products for the use of group of people; not individually.
Although it differs significantly from other types of professions in several aspects, engineering possesses those attributes that characterize a profession;
- It satisfies an priceless and beneficial need.
- It requires the exercise of foresight and judgment and is not subject to normalization.
- It contains a type of activity that is conducted on a high intellectual plane based on knowledge and skills which are not commonly have by the general society.
- It has group consciousness for the promotion of knowledge and professional and rendering social services.
- It has a legal status and requires well-formulated standards of permission
Introduction to engineering-by Paul H. Wright
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