30 Mart 2008 Pazar

Henri Fayol (1841-1925)

Henri Fayol was an French engineer and management theorist who was born in Istanbul. He worked as a mine engineer through out his life in mines in French, and during his working life, he developed some basic management principles, which would become the fundamentals of scientific management later. For him, there are five primary principles of management; planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling. He lived in the same life period with F. Winslow Taylor who is accepted as “the father of modern management”. Therefore, Taylor’s and Fayol’s ideas are usually compared as they both worked on “scientific management issue, but in different aspects.” The sharpest difference between these two scientists is that, while Taylor viewed management processes from the bottom up, Henri Fayol viewed it from the top down. That is to say, Taylor apply his ideas firstly from workers and then to administrators while Fayol sees the first step as directors.

Here is the chart that explains the management principles and steps of Henri Fayol.




Genel ve Endüstriyel Yönetim -HENRI FAYOL- ADRES Yayınları

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